Fudge-a-mania / ; By Blume, Judy.

Format:Brother Peter and Fudge must spend the summer with the dreaded Sheila the Great. Peter Hatcher describes his family's Maine vacation highlighted by the antics of his younger brother Fudge and the presence of his sworn enemy Sheila Tubman and her family.
Publisher:New York : Scholastic Inc.,
Physical Details: 146 p. ; 20 cm.
Record No.:380631
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction F BLU Glen Stewart Elementary School 2024-04-04 GLEN39170
02. English Fiction E BLU Stonepark Intermediate School 2022-03-21 stpk22347
02. English Fiction F BLU West Royalty Elementary School 2023-12-06 WRSX27864
02. English Fiction F BLU Amherst Cove Consolidated School 2020-01-31 ACCX12595
02. English Fiction F BLU Alberton Elementary School 2018-12-03 ACES11601